Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Despite my cynical remarks about Americans celebrating the genocide of the Native American culture with overconsumption of goods, I really do love a good turkey-day.  Having the whole family at the ranch, hunting pheasants, and eating smoked turkey are rituals that make for a wonderful holiday. However, since I'm here without those things, I still believe that this is a day of thanks for the wonderful things this life has to offer. To celebrate, I’m posting a list of things I’m thankful for.

-My wonderful, loving family. They have made me who I am, and without their support I wouldn’t be where I am today.

-My fantastic friends, from all different places, backgrounds and views. I love being able to learn new things from them. I also love knowing that I have people that care about me not in one place, but on three continents. 

-Being in Morocco! This time last year, I was just beginning to formulate my goals for this experience, and hadn’t decided where I wanted to go. Through the amazing experiences I have had this past year I have changed and grown so much.

-Hand Turkeys! This morning before my 8am bio class I made traditional “Hand Turkey” dating all the way back to the third grade. I pinned it to my shirt, and have had people write what they’re thankful for on it all day.

-Traveling, Horses, Skiing, Rock Climbing, Reading, Writing, and all things that make me happy. I love having things I can loose myself in, things that make me feel alive.

-Food! Food here, food at home, food I haven’t yet tried. In a broader perspective, I’m thankful that I have never had to go hungry.

AND for this song. That I love. :D Happy Thanksgiving. 

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